Adaptive Isocurve Algorithm. A coverage based on adaptive extraction
of isocurves can be used for various purposes from toolpath for
machining purposes to image rendering. This algorithm, that is
exploiting symbolic computation, is implemented using the IRIT
solid modeller and a tool named xgladap make use of the hardware of
the SGI systems to provide real time rendering using adaptive
isocurves. |
Layout. A new fabrication scheme automatically computes an
approximated layout of a free form surface, on the plane, so it
can be cut from planar sheets (such as paper or fabric) and
stitched together to form an approximation of the original
surface. Tools to automatically compute the layout were implemented
using IRIT. |
Morphing. Using refinement and degree raising, two tools that are
available in this system, different surfaces can be brought to
a common function space and be continuously morphed or transformed
from one to the other. Again, a successful implementation exists in
Matching. The inter-correspondance between two freeform curves is
of importance in various applications from modeling (ruled and blend
surfaces), through graphics (morphing), to computation geometry
(offset computation). |
Illustrt. Line drawings is a neglected area of computer graphics.
Illustrt is a tool developed with the aid of IRIT, and now is part
of IRIT, to automatically generate line drawings with special effects
such as width/size and intensity depth cueing, Z sorting, and end of
edge clipping etc. |